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Botox Injection: What is it & Its Procedure

Botox Injection: What is it & Its ProcedureBotox injections use a toxin called onobotulinumtoxinA to temporarily prevent a muscles from moving. This toxin is produced by the microbe that causes botulism, a type of food poisoning.Botox was the first drug to use botulinum toxin. Other botulinum toxin type include abobotulinumtoxinA...

What Is Fungal Acne? – Causes & Treatments

What Is Fungal Acne? - Causes & TreatmentsFungal acne, also known as pityrosporum folliculitis or malassezia folliculitis, is caused by an overgrowth of yeast within the hair follicles. This leads to breakouts, itching, and irritation on the affected areas. The condition can be quite distressing due to its discomfort and...

Botox After Care: Things You Should Not Do

Botox treatment, which is one of the most popular anti-aging procedures these days, is performed to eliminate or minimize the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging for cosmetic purposes. This minimally invasive procedure uses a type of toxin from a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum. When used in small...

Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation Caused By Acne

Get Rid of Acne Post-Inflammatory Hyper-Pigmentation Effectively Now!Dr Justin Boey reviews the causes and treatments for post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation in Singapore.What is Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH)?Post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation (PIH) acne scars are brown dark spots on your skin due to inflamed skin wounds like acne or pimple spots. Other causes of post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation include eczema, surgical scars and...

Pitted Acne Scars: How To Get Rid Of It?

Pitted acne scars are very common consequences after getting pimples (also known as acne). This is especially common if the pimple outbreak was serious or if the pimples were big. It is important to know the differences between flat acne marks and pitted acne scars because the treatments are different....

9 Best Acne Scar Removal Products You Should Buy

Acne can affect teens and adults to a variety of factors: hormonal changes, medications, diet and genetics. Acne can also cause scarring especially when breakouts are squeezed, picked and popped. While some acne scars fade over time, others may be permanent. However, with some dermatologist recommended products that help to...

What are Boxcar Scars and How Can We Prevent this?

Boxcar scars are one of the most common type of acne scarring that patients seek treatment for. This is because boxcar scars can appear quite disfiguring and hard to cover with make-up.Dr Justin Boey, international speaker on acne scar treatments and aesthetic procedures, shares more about boxcar scars, how you...

Rolling Scars: What is it and Their Treatments?

Rolling scars are one of the most common form of acne scarring. It is a form of atrophic scars. Acne scarring tends to form after severe acne. Dr Justin Boey, international speaker on acne scar treatments, shares more about rolling scars and its treatments. What are Rolling Scars? Rolling scars...

Acne Marks vs Acne Scars: Differences & Treatments

Acne marks and acne scars are very common consequences after getting pimples (also known as acne). This is especially common if the pimple outbreak was serious or if the pimples were big. It is important to know the differences between acne marks and acne scars because the treatments are different....

Scar removal treatment in Singapore

Scar removal is a commonly requested skin treatment in Singapore. Scars in your skin can be due to any form of injury.  Your desire to minimise the appearance of scars is not unfounded. There are many patients who have minimised the appearance of their scars to a satisfactory level. What...