Sozo Hair Booster with AnteAge MD
From $400
How Does Sozo Hair-Booster Work?
Sozo is one of the first medical hair clinics in Singapore to offer AnteAge MD in a proprietary Sozo Hair-Booster serum.
This medical-grade serum contains cytokines and growth factors for hair growth.
What Is AnteAGE For Hair Growth In Singapore?
The reasons for hair loss in men and women are wide ranging but follicular condition lies at the root of them all.
Naturally then, hair-loss management strategies must deal with the scalp, and focus on the ability of the follicular cells to regenerate, repair and renew themselves.
However, this capability diminishes with time, and that is where regenerative cells can help.
AnteAGE® is one of the latest in Regenerative Medicine.
The correct mix of these signals, called Stem CytokinesTM, along with a cocktail of natural stimulants to activate the stem cells of the hair follicles.
The natural stimulants are a mix of twelve bio-identical growth factors, each with a proven ability to stimulate hair follicles.
How Does AnteAGE® Hair Growth Serum Work?
Cells, including stem cells, have very active “social lives”, communicating with nearby cells by releasing special messenger proteins known as cytokines and growth factors.
AnteAGE® doctors discovered how to use these specialized signals from the stem cytokines to stimulate follicular healing and anti-inflammatory action throughout your scalp.