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Fillers for Acne Scars: 7 Reasons to Boost Confidence

Beautiful woman having her face injected

Acne scars can have a significant impact on people’s lives, as they can cause them to feel self-conscious and unhappy with their appearance. These scars, which are often a reminder of past struggles with their skin, can weigh heavily on a person emotionally and affect how they view themselves and others. The pursuit of clear skin can feel like an endless battle in a society that places a great deal of importance on appearance. 

In this blog, Dr. Justin Boey, Medical Director of Sozo Aesthetic Clinic, will share insights from his personal experience about how dermal fillers can improve the appearance of acne scars, resulting in increased confidence, better skin, and a significant emotional boost.

Reason 1: Immediate Improvement in Scar Appearance

a woman with acne and acne scars

One of the most appealing aspects of using fillers for acne scars is the immediate improvement in skin texture and appearance. This procedure, involving the careful injection of substances beneath the skin, can raise depressed scars, making them less noticeable. The dermal fillers add volume to the treated areas, smoothing the skin’s surface. 

Unlike other dermatological treatments requiring time to show results, fillers offer patients quick visual improvement. This almost instant enhancement in scar appearance can be a significant morale booster, providing a swift transition towards a more positive self-image and, inherently for younger patients, a leap in self-confidence.

Reason 2: Minimal Downtime Required

One of the greatest advantages of filler treatments for acne scars is the minimal downtime associated with these procedures. Unlike more invasive surgeries, dermal fillers allow individuals to return to their daily activities immediately after treatment. This swift recovery is a key consideration for many, particularly for those leading busy lives or who cannot afford extended periods away from work or social engagements. 

The convenience of undergoing a procedure that requires no significant recuperation time yet offers substantial improvements to the skin’s appearance underscores the practicality and appeal of fillers as an effective solution for acne scars.

Reason 3: Boosted Collagen Production

Fillers for acne scars are crucial in stimulating the body’s natural collagen production, leading to longer-term skin quality and appearance improvements. Collagen, a protein that is fundamental to skin elasticity and firmness, tends to decrease with age. When fillers are injected, they provide immediate volume and smoothness to the skin and act as a catalyst, encouraging the body to produce more collagen in the treated area. 

This neocollagenesis process can further diminish the visibility of acne scars like boxcar scars and rolling scars over time, providing a dual benefit of instant visual enhancement and gradual, natural skin regeneration. 

The increased collagen production helps sustain the initial results achieved with dermal fillers, thereby extending the youthful and rejuvenated appearance of the skin beyond the immediate effects of the procedure.

Reason 4: Personalized Treatment Options

Fillers’ versatility offers tailored solutions to various acne scar types and individual patient needs. Each filler type has unique properties, making it suitable for addressing specific scar depths and skin conditions. 

For instance, hyaluronic acid fillers for acne scars are renowned for their efficacy in treating shallow, atrophic acne scars and boxcar scars by providing hydration and volume. Meanwhile, poly-L-lactic acid fillers cater to those requiring longer-lasting results, as they stimulate collagen production over time, gradually improving the skin’s texture. Calcium hydroxylapatite fillers are another option, ideal for deeper scars due to their denser composition. 

A skilled aesthetic practitioner can assess the patient’s skin condition and scar tissue types, recommending a customised treatment plan that may involve one or a combination of these dermal fillers to achieve optimal results. This personalised approach ensures that each patient receives a treatment that is most suitable for their specific scar patterns and skin types, enhancing the procedure’s effectiveness and the individual’s satisfaction.

Reason 5: Enhanced Self-Confidence

happy and elegant woman with clear and radiant skin

The connection between physical improvements and psychological benefits, specifically increased self-esteem, is crucial. The visible enhancements by filler treatments for acne scars do more than alter one’s appearance; they foster a significant psychological uplift. This transformation often leads individuals to experience a renewed sense of self-worth and confidence, translating into various aspects of their lives. 

Feeling good about one’s appearance can encourage a more positive outlook, influence social interactions, and even open doors to opportunities previously hindered by self-doubt. The ripple effect of such increased self-esteem is far-reaching, impacting personal relationships, professional ambitions, and overall life satisfaction. 

This synergy between the physical and psychological underscores the holistic benefits of treating acne scars with fillers, demonstrating that such interventions are not merely cosmetic but fundamentally life-enhancing.

Reason 6: Safety and Suitability

Fillers undergo rigorous clinical testing to ensure safety before becoming available to the public. Complications or serious side effects are exceedingly rare, with most individuals experiencing only temporary, mild reactions such as swelling, redness, or bruising at the injection site. These minor symptoms typically subside within a few days, affirming the procedure’s safety profile. 

However, the suitability of dermal fillers is an equally vital consideration. Not everyone is an ideal candidate for dermal filler treatments (even soft tissue fillers); for instance, individuals with certain medical conditions or those who are pregnant may be advised against undergoing such procedures. It is essential, therefore, to undergo a thorough evaluation by a qualified aesthetician who can determine whether fillers are an appropriate and safe option based on one’s unique health background and skin condition. 

This precautionary step ensures that the acne scar treatment aligns with the individual’s needs and minimises the risk of adverse effects, safeguarding the patient’s well-being while striving for optimal outcomes.

Reason 7: Cost-Effective Solution

When considering dermal filler treatments to address acne scars, it’s important to evaluate both the costs and benefits compared to other treatments. Although fillers may appear expensive initially, they often become a more cost-effective option in the long run due to their long-lasting results and the minimal need for retreatment. 

Additionally, when compared to more invasive surgeries that require significant recovery time and potential loss of income during the recuperation period, dermal fillers offer a less financially burdensome alternative with no downtime. The gradual improvements in skin appearance, including enhanced collagen production and long-term skin health benefits, further justify the initial expense. 

Moreover, the personalised nature of filler treatments ensures that individuals receive the intervention they need without the costs associated with more generalised, less tailored surgical procedures. Therefore, when viewed holistically, the investment in fillers is often offset by the blend of immediate aesthetic improvements, long-term skin health benefits, and avoiding the greater costs and inconveniences associated with surgical alternatives.

Types of Fillers

Dropper with leaking product

When considering the different types of dermal fillers used for acne scars, it’s important to highlight the unique properties and functionalities of other fillers that make each suitable for treating various acne scarring types and individual needs.

Hyaluronic Acid Fillers

Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers are among the most popular choices for acne scar dermal filler treatment due to their versatility and efficacy. Known for its ability to retain moisture, HA hydrates the skin and adds volume, effectively lifting and smoothing out atrophic acne scars. These filters are especially beneficial for shallow, broad-based scars, where their immediate volumising effect can significantly diminish the appearance of scars. 

One of the key advantages of hyaluronic acid fillers is their reversibility; they can be dissolved by an enzyme called hyaluronidase, allowing for adjustments if necessary.

Poly-L-lactic Acid Fillers

Poly-L-lactic acid fillers function as biostimulators, stimulating collagen production within the skin. Unlike traditional fillers, their effects develop gradually, making them suitable for long-term treatment plans. This gradual improvement in skin texture results in subtle, natural-looking outcomes, making them ideal for individuals seeking a more nuanced approach to scar treatment.

These fillers are especially effective for deeper, more pronounced scars, as they provide a scaffold that supports collagen growth, enhancing the skin’s overall structure and appearance. While the results may not be immediate, the gradual enhancement ensures a more sustainable and enduring improvement in skin texture and tone. This makes poly-L-lactic acid fillers valuable for those prioritising long-lasting and natural-looking results in their scar treatment journey.

Calcium Hydroxylapatite Fillers

Calcium hydroxylapatite fillers are known for their density and viscosity, making them suitable for deeper, more severe acne scars. Like poly-L-lactic acid, these dermal fillers also stimulate collagen production but offer the added benefit of immediate volume enhancement due to their denser composition. This dual action makes calcium hydroxylapatite fillers a highly effective option for treating scars requiring immediate and long-term correction.

Each injectable filler presents unique benefits tailored to different types of acne scars and patient needs. By carefully assessing the specific characteristics of each scar type, aestheticians can select the most appropriate filler or combination of effective treatments alone to achieve optimal results. The ultimate goal is to diminish the visual impact of acne scars and restore the skin’s natural texture and resilience, enhancing appearance and confidence.

Cost of Filler Treatments

The cost of dermal filler treatments for acne scars can vary widely, influenced by many factors, including the type of filler used, the complexity of the treatment area, the practitioner’s expertise, and the clinic’s geographic location.

Typically, dermal fillers are priced per syringe, ranging significantly based on the filler material (e.g., HA, poly-L-lactic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite). The quantity of dermal filler required to achieve the desired effect directly impacts the overall cost, with more extensive acne scarring necessitating additional products and increasing expenses.

Practitioner experience and reputation also play a crucial role in determining the treatment’s cost. Specialists known for their skill and success in treating acne scars may charge a premium for their services, considering their expertise and the high demand for their treatment. Furthermore, the clinic’s location influences price, with treatments in larger metropolitan areas or upscale locations typically costing more due to higher operational costs.

When considering filler treatments, it’s important to remember how long the results will last. Some dermal fillers offer temporary improvements and may require periodic treatments to maintain the desired appearance, leading to additional costs. Conversely, fillers that stimulate collagen production may offer longer-lasting results, potentially reducing the frequency of follow-up maintenance treatments and overall expense.

In summary, the cost of dermal filler treatments for acne scars is not a one-size-fits-all figure and should be approached with a comprehensive understanding of the factors involved. Individuals should discuss these aspects with their aestheticians during the consultation to understand the expected costs and make an informed decision based on their specific needs and budget.


aesthetician holding a syringe

While the information provided above gives a broad overview of the different types of dermal fillers and their respective benefits to treat acne scars, every individual’s skin is unique. Therefore, scheduling a consultation at Sozo Aesthetic Clinic is highly recommended to fully understand which treatment option best suits your needs. 

Our team of experts like Dr Justin Boey can provide a personalised assessment, ensuring you receive the most appropriate and effective treatment plan tailored just for you. Don’t hesitate to take the first step towards restoring your skin’s natural beauty and boosting your confidence. Contact Sozo Aesthetic Clinic today to explore your treatment options.


Medical Director

After graduating from the National University of Singapore, Dr Boey’s journey in aesthetics brought him to esteemed institutions such as Harvard Medical School, American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine and Queen Mary University of London in diverse cities like Seoul, London, Boston and New York.