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Tattoo Removal in Singapore
What Is It, How It Works, Cost & Process

Tattoo Removal Singapore
A woman with Tattoo
  • Picoplus, Picosure and Picoway are Picosecond laser technology. Picosecond laser treatment is better than Q-switched laser at breaking down tattoo ink as it generates higher power laser energy.
  • The price varies depending on the size and colour of your tattoo. 5-10 sessions are required.
  • There is a small risk of scar and residual pigmentation changes. The downtime is usually 3-7 days of skin redness.
  • Post-laser care is necessary to maximise results and minimise complications – creams and high-grade sunblock help. Effective and faster recovery means better final results.

What is Tattoo Removal?

Laser tattoo removal is an FDA-approved treatment procedure that has been widely used for about twenty years as it has proven safe and effective.

A certified medical professional can only do the procedure as the treatment can be complicated. At Sozo Aesthetic Clinic, our experienced laser tattoo removal doctors use Pico laser technologies to ensure safe and successful delivery of the treatment procedure.

Before the treatment, our doctors will consult you and assess your tattoo. The number of Pico laser tattoo removal treatment sessions will depend on your tattoo’s size, type, age and depth.

After the consultation, our doctors will outline the safest and most effective approach to removing the tattoos.

There may be some temporary side effects, such as redness, peeling, blistering and swelling after the treatment.

Who Is HydraFacial For?

Our tattoo removal services cater to anyone who wants to remove unwanted tattoos or minimise their visibility for various reasons. Ideal candidates for tattoo removal include people who:


  • Have a tattoo that no longer aligns with your personal preferences.  
  • Have a tattoo that has started to fade or distort.  
  • Want to make changes for professional reasons that require clear, ink-free skin.  
  • Need space for a new tattoo design. 

How Does Tattoo Removal Work?

Tattoo removal lasers break down tattoo ink using bursts of laser energy. Subsequently, the tattoo ink will be gradually removed by your immune system.

Cost of Tattoo Removal in Sozo Clinic

At Sozo Clinic, the cost of tattoo removal treatments varies depending on several factors. These include the size, colour, and complexity of the tattoo and the number of sessions required for complete removal.

For tattoo removal treatments at Sozo Aesthetic Clinic, the price is $50 per session. We utilise Pico Plus Laser technology to provide effective tattoo removal, delivering results with minimal discomfort.

However, the price can vary based on individual requirements. During the consultation, our aesthetic practitioner will assess the size and complexity of your tattoo and provide a personalised treatment plan, including a more accurate cost estimate.

Tattoo Removal Procedure in Sozo Clinic

Tattoo Removal Treatment

Now that you have a better understanding of what tattoo removal is and how it works, let’s dive into the three-step process used at Sozo Clinic:

Pre-Treatment Consultation

Your first appointment will involve a thorough consultation where the aesthetic practitioner examines your tattoo. The tattoo’s size, colour, ink type and depth will be assessed. The practitioner will then create a treatment plan tailored to your tattoo and skin type.  

This is your chance to ask questions, discuss concerns and learn what to expect from the process.  

During the Treatment

  • Sensations. While slight discomfort is common during the treatment, clinics often use numbing creams, cooling devices or ice packs to reduce pain.  
  • Session length. The laser tattoo removal session typically lasts 15 to 45 minutes, depending on the size of the tattoo being treated.  
  • Comfort measures. Nerve blocks can also be used for sensitive areas or larger tattoos.  

The laser targets the tattoo ink while sparing the surrounding skin, which ensures a controlled and effective process.

Post-Treatment Care

Following these post-treatment care tips is key to a smooth recovery and optimal results.

  • Protect the treated area. Shield the treated area from sun exposure by wearing protective clothing or using a high-SPF sunscreen. This will help prevent potential damage to the healing skin and minimise the risk of hyperpigmentation.
  • Practice gentle care. Apply healing creams or ointments on the affected area to aid healing. 
  • Avoid harsh products. Avoid using harsh skincare products for a few weeks following the treatment. Products such as exfoliants and other chemical-based creams may irritate the healing skin. Stick to gentle, fragrance-free cleansers and moisturisers to soothe the treated area.
  • Manage temporary side effects. After each tattoo removal session, it is common to experience temporary side effects, such as redness, swelling, or minor discomfort. A cold compress or ice pack wrapped in a clean cloth can help alleviate swelling or discomfort. If necessary, over-the-counter pain relievers can be taken as directed.

Our Tattoo Removal Methods

Pico Laser Versus Q-Switched Laser For Tattoo Removal

Not all lasers are equal.

To achieve a good tattoo removal result, the laser must be able to generate High Powered Beams in Short Pulses.

High-powered laser beams are needed to shatter the tattoo ink particles. Short pulses ensure that there is less damage to the surrounding skin.

The Picosecond Laser is better than the Q-switched laser at breaking down tattoo ink because it can generate higher-power laser energy in shorter bursts (picosecond versus nanosecond bursts).

Pico Plus versus other Pico Lasers

Lutronic PicoPlus is a second-generation picosecond laser with the highest peak power (1.8GW) in 450 picosecond ultra-short pulse duration. 

This makes it one of the world’s most powerful ultra-short pulse pico lasers. This ensures that results are faster and more effective with fewer treatment sessions.

Lutronic PicoPlus’s stable laser beam profile comes from Lutronic Corporation’s long-standing track record in producing reliable pigment removal lasers like Spectra (nanosecond Q-switched Nd: YAG laser) and Pico 4+ (first generation picosecond laser).

Tattoo Removal Before and After

Tattoo Removal Before & After

It’s best to consult an experienced doctor or aesthetic practitioner to determine the best approach to achieve your desired results.  

As a medical clinic in Singapore, we cannot show the before and after results of tattoo removal treatments online. However, our medical director, Dr Justin Boey, can discuss the expected results during an official medical consultation.  

You can expect progressive results after the treatment as the tattoo fades over time.

Why Choose Sozo Clinic for Tattoo Removal in Singapore?

Dr. Justin Boey of Sozo Clinic

Adherence to Rigorous Standards  

At Sozo Clinic, our tattoo removal treatments strictly follow established safety standards to ensure effective and safe results for every patient. We use only medically approved Pico laser technology that adheres to rigorous safety and efficacy protocols, providing peace of mind for those seeking to remove unwanted tattoos.  

Each tattoo removal session is tailored to address factors such as size, colour and skin type.  

Comprehensive List of Treatments  

We understand that every tattoo and skin type is unique, that’s why Sozo Clinic offers a range of tattoo removal options to suit your needs. Whether it’s fading a tattoo for a cover-up or complete removal, our treatments are customised to help you achieve your goals. Additionally, our technologies are effective for treating acne scars, helping to improve skin texture and appearance. 

FAQs About Tattoo Removal

Picosecond Lasers can remove tattoos with 80 – 90% improvement in 4 – 5 sessions.

The most dramatic improvements are seen in the first few sessions. Some of my patients have 50 – 70% improvement after one session.


tattoo removal singapore

Most patients can tolerate the laser treatment after these techniques to minimise discomfort:

  • Icing
  • Cooler during laser treatment
  • Numbing cream
  • Nerve blocks

There is a small risk of scarring and residual pigmentation changes, which can be hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation.

You may be more prone to these side effects if you have:

  • Darker skin
  • Colourful tattoos
  • Large tattoos

The downtime is usually 3 – 7 days of skin redness and mild scabbing. During this time, sun protection is of utmost importance.

Post-laser care is the difference between achieving a good result and developing complications.

Most tattoo removal clinics rarely emphasise the importance of post-laser care. Like getting quality rest and diet after a strenuous workout, a comprehensive post-laser recovery protocol is necessary to maximise results and minimise complications.


More effective and faster recovery means you can remove your tattoo in fewer sessions.

We speed up the recovery process using a recovery protocol of low-level light therapy, medical-grade recovery creams, wound dressing and high-grade sun-block. This usually halves the recovery time.


Medical Director

After graduating from the National University of Singapore, Dr Boey’s journey in aesthetics brought him to esteemed institutions such as Harvard Medical School, American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine and Queen Mary University of London in diverse cities like Seoul, London, Boston and New York.