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Cortisone Acne Injection Singapore: Review, Prices, FAQs

Cortisone Acne Injection in Singapore

Cortisone injections for acne can reduce cystic, inflammed acne within hours!

Find out how this treatment works and whether it is the suitable acne treatment for you.

How do cortisone injections improve acne?

Cortisone shots are used to help shrink large, inflammatory acne cysts

Done in your dermatologist’s office, this treatment quickly reduces acne inflammation, flattens and heals your acne breakout in just 1-2 days.

What is a cortisone acne injection?

Cortisone acne injection contains an anti-inflammatory medicine.

The medical term for cortisone acne injection procedure is intralesional corticosteroid injection.

However, cortisone injections are more commonly known as acne steroid shots, cortisone injections or cystic acne injections in Singapore.

What is cortisone injection treatment like?

A very dilute corticosteroid is injected directly into your swollen pimple.

Cortisone is an anti-inflammatory that shrinks the swollen wall of the cyst. Intralesional corticosteroid injections are commonly used to treat deep nodules or cysts in Singapore.

Is cortisone injection painful?

The needle used for intralesional cortisone injections is very small. It is called a micro-needle. 

At Sozo Aesthetic Clinic, we use the tiniest micro-needle available commercially to minimise pain and reduce discomfort.

The whole procedure is quick and relatively painless. Most patients describe it as a little pinch.

Your dermatologist may numb the area before getting started, in certain cases.

The entire cortisone injection treatment process is over in just a few seconds.

When can I see the effects of cortisone injections for acne?

The cortisone starts to work immediately and reduces inflammation over the next 12-24 hours.

You’ll notice your pimple softening, shrinking, and flattening out. 

While they may not completely disappear, they will be noticeably smaller and definitely less red and painful. 

Most blemishes heal within a week after treatment.

When is the best time for cortisone injection treatment for acne?

The best time for cortisone injection for acne is within the first 3 days of getting an inflammed acne cyst.

Cortisone shots don’t work on your run-of-the-mill pimples or blackheads. 

Cortisone doesn’t do anything for the pus that makes up the core of a pimple. Instead, it shrinks inflamed tissue.

Cortisone shots are reserved for large, cystic blemishes. 

Cortisone shots can be use to treat acne on both the face and the body.

What are the benefits of cortisone injections for inflamed acne?

Healing those big pimples quickly isn’t just for looks—it also lessens the chance that the blemishes will cause scars. 

This is especially valuable if you are prone to scarring or hyperpigmentation.

What are the side-effects of cortisone injections for acne?

This procedure must be performed by an expert because it can cause side effects.

1. Skin Atrophy

The most common is pitting or depression of the skin. This can happen if too much cortisone or too strong a dilution is used. The skin around the injection site can atrophy, leaving a depressed area or divot.

Fortunately, these depressions usually go away. This can take a long time, though (up to 6 months). Sometimes, this loss of tissue is permanent.

Incidentally, if you develop permanent pitting of the skin, it may not necessarily be caused by the injections. 

Severe breakouts often cause depressed or pitted acne scars. Subcision with dermal fillers may be a good solution in these cases.

2. Hypo-pigmentation

Cortisone shots can sometimes leave a lighter area of skin (called hypopigmentation) especially for people with medium to dark complexions. This tends to be temporary and fades away over time.

Cortisone Injections Aren’t Long-Term Acne Treatments

Cortisone injections have plenty of benefits, but there is one thing they can’t do—prevent new acne. Though they help big breakouts to heal up quickly, they can’t stop more breakouts from forming.

Cortisone injections are not meant to be used as a regular acne treatment, Instead, treat them as a “quick-fix” way to shrink big zits fast.

For effective acne prevention and treatment, you’ll need daily acne treatment medication. Your dermatologist will prescribe a treatment plan that is best for your skin including topical retinoids, chemical peels, lasershydrafacial and even oral medications.

Using an acne medication daily stops breakouts from forming so, ideally, you won’t need cortisone injections at all anymore.

What is the price of cortisone injections for acne in Singapore?

The cost/ price of cortisone injection for acne is from $50/ pimple at Sozo Aesthetic Clinic in Singapore. 


Medical Director

After graduating from the National University of Singapore, Dr Boey’s journey in aesthetics brought him to esteemed institutions such as Harvard Medical School, American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine and Queen Mary University of London in diverse cities like Seoul, London, Boston and New York.