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15 Habits That Cause Acne – How To Avoid Breakouts

Acne, a common skin condition that causes spots and oily skin, can also be traced to certain everyday lifestyle habits. Some of these seemingly innocuous lifestyle habits might be unknowingly contributing to your breakouts. This article aims to shed light on 15 habits that can lead to acne, providing the...

Tea Tree Oil for Acne: Benefits, Usage, and Precautions

A growing number of people are turning to natural solutions for skincare, and tea tree oil is emerging as one of the most popular options. Renowned for its natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, tea tree oil has a long history of use in traditional medicine. Today, it's gaining recognition as...

Male vs Female Acne: Causes, Differences, and Treatment

While acne is a common dermatological condition affecting individuals regardless of gender, there are stark and distinct differences in how it presents itself in males and females. It's a prevalent skin concern, impacting an estimated 85% of people at some point. Dr Justin Boey, Medical Director of Sozo Aesthetic Clinic,...

Oral Medication for Acne: Top 3 Effective Choices

Oral medications have emerged as a potent arsenal in the battle against acne, especially for cases unresponsive to topical treatments. Dr Justin Boey, Medical Director of Sozo Aesthetic Clinic, shares more from his personal experience, "these medications, administered through the mouth, work systemically to reduce the production of excess oil,...

Acne Face Map: Understanding the Causes of Breakout

Acne, an unwelcome guest on our skin, often pops up uninvited, leaving us wondering about its root cause. Have you ever noticed that your spots tend to appear in the same area or that certain zones on your face are more prone to breakouts? Traditional Chinese medicine explains the concept...

Does Makeup Cause Acne? The Truth Behind Cosmetic Breakouts

It's widely held that makeup and acne have a complex relationship. Many of us slather on concealers or foundations to hide those pesky spots, yet we often hear warnings that these products might be causing our skin troubles. But is there any truth to this claim? Does makeup cause acne,...

Scalp Acne: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Treatments

Scalp acne, also termed folliculitis, is a less talked about but equally troublesome variant of acne that primarily affects the scalp. Although similar to acne on the face or body, scalp acne is distinct due to its location, often covered by hair. This hair coverage makes it more challenging to...

Is Double Cleansing Good for Acne? Benefits and Best Practices

Double cleansing, a skincare regimen that originated in Korea, is rapidly gaining popularity worldwide. It involves washing your face in two steps, first with an oil-based cleanser to remove makeup and excess sebum, followed by a water-based cleanser to clean your skin. This method ensures a more thorough cleansing than...

Lemon Juice for Acne: Natural Remedy or Skin Irritant?

Lemon juice has been hailed for centuries as a versatile home remedy for various ailments, including skin conditions. This humble citrus fruit, bursting with vitamin C, is renowned in traditional medicine for its antioxidant properties and exceptional health benefits. According to Dr Justin Boey, Medical Director of Sozo Aesthetic Clinic,...

Hypertrophic Scar: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Hypertrophic scars are a common and often distressing dermatological issue that occurs as an abnormal response to trauma or injury. Unlike their counterparts, these thick, raised skin scars remain within the original wound's boundaries and do not spread to surrounding skin. Distinguished by their red or pink hue, they often appear...