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Last updated on June 2nd, 2023 at 1:15 pm
Looking for a Double Chin Reduction?

Looking for a Double Chin Reduction?

Non-surgical options for Fast and Safe Results

Ultraformer 3 HIFU

Want to get rid of your Double Chin Fat Permanently?

Look no further.

We understand that have a prominent double chin is one of the most dreaded aesthetic problems for men and women alike.

Many have tried double chin exercises and crash diets but see no results. Why?

This is because double chin fat, also known as submental fat, can affect both men and women of all ages and weight.

In fact, you might have a double chin even if you are not fat!

To remove double chins, we need to fix these 3 factors:

  1. Reduce Double Chin Fat
  2. Tighten Loose or Sagging Skin at under-chin
  3. Contour “Weak” Jaw-line & “Small” Chin

With the most recent developments, we can remove double chins permanently without the need for liposuction fat reduction surgery.

Minimally invasive fat reduction treatments are the treatments of choice for double chin fat removal as there is minimal downtime and less expensive.

We offer proven treatment methods for double chin fat removal such as the Ultraformer 3 HIFU treatment.

Double Chin Causes – The Truth Why You Have it!


This is the number 1 cause of double chin. As you age, 2 things happen which will result in worsening of your double chin.

Firstly, you accumulate double chin fat because of slower metabolism as you age.

Secondly, you develop sagging neck skin due to loss of collagen. Studies have shown that collagen loss happens at the rate of 1-2% per year. Loose under-chin and neck skin also causes prominent double chins.

These 2 factors result in worsening of your double chin over time.

how to get rid of double chin age
how to get rid of double chin


The second most common cause of double chin is genetic. In fact, more than 50% of patients that I see have double chin since young. This is because of their jaw and chin structure.

Asians tend to have a “small” chin, also known as receded chin.

When you have a “small” chin, even small pockets of double chin fat appears relatively more prominent than usual. If you have a “small” chin, you will need dermal fillers to contour your chin and achieve a stronger jaw-line.

Another genetic cause of double chin stems from family history. It is not uncommon to see mothers and daughters facing the same issue of double chin fats.

Diet and Lifestyle

An unhealthy diet such as high fat, high caloric diet will worsen your double chin because of increased accumulation of fat. Coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, this is one of the most common causes of double chin fat in modern society.

Other lifestyle factors like sun-tanning or sun-bathing will increase sun-damage of your neck skin. This results in skin thinning and collagen loss which results in loose under-chin and neck skin.

how to get rid of double chin diet and lifestle


Correcting your posture is the fastest and yet the toughest method to correct your posture. Why is this so?

If you have a prominent double chin due to “slouching” or “hunching”, you can improve your double chin appearance instantly by having a more upright posture.

However, it is difficult to sustain this and requires discipline to maintain a good posture.

Other lifestyle factors like sun-tanning or sun-bathing will increase sun-damage of your neck skin. This results in skin thinning and collagen loss which results in loose under-chin and neck skin.

How to get rid of double chin?
Tips to Achieve Permanent Results

To reduce double chin fullness effectively and to maintain permanent results, you will need both in-clinic treatments and regular lifestyle maintenance. These are the home-based lifestyle treatments you need to commit to maintain double chin reduction results.

While double chin exercises may not remove fat directly, they can help to strengthen and tone your muscles. These are common double chin exercises that might help to tone your under-chin and neck skin such as straight jaw jut, neck stretch and bottom jaw jut. With daily exercises over months, you will see gradual improvements.


You can reduce your double chin by losing weight. This is especially useful if your double chin is caused specifically by fat.

The best way is to have a healthy diet that is low in fat.

You should also avoid fried foods and eat low-fat dairy products.


If your double chin is due to loose and sun-damaged skin, lifestyle changes such as avoiding excessive sun exposure will help to reduce your skin’s collagen loss. Prevention is also better than cure. Applying sun-block regularly will prevent worsening of the loose chin at your under-chin.

Non-Surgical Double Chin Treatments:

If your double chin is due to loose and sun-damaged skin, lifestyle changes such as avoiding excessive sun exposure will help to reduce your skin’s collagen loss. Prevention is also better than cure. Applying sun-block regularly will prevent worsening of the loose chin at your under-chin. Our Double Chin Reduction treatments can effectively reduce the appearance of the double chin without painful surgery or long downtime.
Face fillers can be used to reduce visible signs of aging that are caused by volume loss. These fillers use a substance called Hyaluronic Acid which delivers moisture to the skin, making the face plump. Fillers also add volume to the facial tissues by stimulating collagen production.
HIFU can give almost the same results as a surgical facelift. It uses ultrasound energy that penetrates deep into the skin to help with the production of elastin and collagen. This can be used for double chin removal by providing an added skin lift and contour.
Ulthera uses a device that delivers ultrasound energy into the deep layers of the skin where new cells can replace old skin cells. This triggers your body’s natural healing process to use its own collagen to rebuild the skin. Ulthera delivers heat to the tissues and muscle leading to skin tightening and lifting, improving the appearance of sagging skin.
Threadlift helps with the regeneration of lost collagen to bring back your youthful look and restore volume loss. This is done by inserting the thread under the skin, applying a little pressure, resulting in an immediate lift on the area.
This treatment works by following the science of cell apoptosis – which means using extremely cold temperatures to trigger the natural process of fat cell death.
Botox helps with reducing the muscle bulk located in the jaw area. It helps relax the muscles, giving the lower part more definition. Botox is injected into the platysmal bands surrounding the neck, causing the muscles to tighten which lifts the neck and narrows the lower face.

How Much Does Double Chin Removal Treatment Cost?

The cost of a double chin removal treatment will depend on the severity of the condition, its cause, and the extent of treatment required. These non-invasive treatments can also require several sessions which will be determined by your doctor during your evaluation. Here are the prices of double chin removal treatments in Singapore.
Price of Double Chin Removal at Sozo Aesthetic Clinic
Chin Filler Augmentation
from $800
Ultraformer HIFU
from $450
Ulthera / Ultherapy
from $2400
Threadlift Reduction of Underchin
from $2500
Fat-freeze (Cryolipolysis)
from $480/area
Botox Underchin Tightening
from $600


There are several treatment options available in most aesthetic clinics that offer skin tightening and fat reduction services.

HIFU is one of those effective treatments that can refine wrinkles and improve double chin.

Another skin tightening treatment that is FDA approved and works effectively on treating double chin is Ultherapy, a non-invasive ultrasound energy delivering device that heats the deeper layers of the skin to produce collagen.

The price for double chin removal treatments in Singapore may range from $450 to $2500, depending on the severity of the skin condition and the treatment method required to be carried out. Such non-invasive treatments may require several sessions per what your doctor will advise you during your evaluation. Click here to know more about the treatment options available for double chin removal and their prices.

Double chin can be caused by family genetics, aging, or because of your lifestyle habits. Mainly, this happens due to loss of collagen. One factor that attacks the collagen in your skin is the sun’s UV rays. Staying under the sun for too long makes the skin thinner resulting in loose under-chin and neck chin.
Yes! with today’s innovative technologies, there are numerous non-invasive or non-surgical double chin removal treatments that can be availed in your local aesthetic clinics. Treatments like HIFU, Ultherapy, Botox, and fillers are widely used nowadays to improve such skin depressions. Such treatments work by delivering energy or injecting substances into the skin.


Medical Director

After graduating from the National University of Singapore, Dr Boey’s journey in aesthetics brought him to esteemed institutions such as Harvard Medical School, American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine and Queen Mary University of London in diverse cities like Seoul, London, Boston and New York.